Artaim non-profit / Gallery Artaim
2002 Jana established the non-profit organization for Ceramic Arts, Association Artaim, Paris.
Statement: ARTAIM promotes the fine arts and crafts, with a special focus on ceramics. We organize exhibitions, programs for visiting artists, teach ceramics classes, coordinate workshops and individual or occasional group projects.
2001-2004 Jana Bednarkova Kenney/Artaim organized art exhibits in her gallery
2001 Niesel Elodie - ceramics
2002 Renata Glosova - ceramics
Artistes en Herbe - group show, ceramics
Lucila Viso - painting
Harutyun Yekmalyan - sculpture, painting
2003 Richard Suchanek - peinture, acrylique sur toile
Renata Glosova - ceramics (Journées Portes Ouvertes des Ateliers d’Artistes du 14eme)
Margueritte Scrive - ceramics, faïence
Catherine Coulon Thavot - oil painting
Aric - oil painting
Fête de L’Automne - ceramics, with l’Association A TOUT ATOUT
Sylvie Beaumont - ceramics
Harutyun Yekmalyan - painting, sculpture
Jarek Kruk - painting
Exposition de Noël - ceramics, group show
2004 Artist in Residence programme
Ateliers Portes Ouvertes des Artistes du 14eme - ceramic show
Stéphane Villain - painting
Exposition de Noël à l’Espace Artaim - ceramics, group show